About Matt

Matthew (left) and his twin brother, Tommy

Matthew Renk, his twin brother, Tommy, and their younger brother, Andrew, all attended Bridge Valley from opening day in 2004 through 2009. During a life cut too short by a cancerous brain tumor, Matthew made a tremendous impression on everyone with whom he came in contact. Matt, who passed away at the age of fifteen, was a young man with exceptional character. A Central Bucks School student, Matt fought a courageous battle against his disease.

The Matthew Renk Foundation was formed by his parents, Dave and Jackie Renk, to generate awareness of childhood brain cancer and to provide support for families facing this challenge. The foundation plans to undertake programs to help educate the public about childhood cancers, fund research and provide direct support to families grappling with the exorbitant health care costs needed to treat the disease.

Along with seeking corporate support, the foundation has introduced a “think GREY” line of sporting apparel to further generate funds and awareness. Grey is the color that corresponds to brain cancer awareness.


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